spotlightOn : Redesigns
Necessity is the mother of reinvention.
newspaper cover la weekly work photo issue

We’re working here!

Let’s start cracking into this page. It will not be finished for a while, but redesigning newspapers and magazines has been an activity that’s run throughout my entire career, and it’s been an important service to many clients, so let’s start by trying to remember the publications that I’ve helped to redesign. I’ll add some details soon and for a few I’ll probably get quite long-winded:

The Daily Collegian
LA Weekly (three times)
OC Weekly
LA City Beat
San Diego City Beat
Mean Magazine
Brain World Magazine
Access Magazine
Artillery Magazine (three times)
Eden Magazine (for CGLHS)
The Lantern (for Gamble House Conservancy)

I’m forgetting a couple, and I’m sure most of those publications may be foreign to you, but they were/are important to our understanding of design here, and that’s how I’ll try to approach the write-ups to follow. —Bill