A Handmade Tale

Some projects require a more personal touch. Sometimes it’s because the print run is small and doesn’t align well with the economics of professional presses — though with the advent of digital printing, presses have become a lot friendlier to low-quantity jobs. In addition to quantity, there are times when some hand work is necessary to give the piece a finishing touch. More often, though, for us, it’s a matter of having a bit of fun. I’m old enough that I didn’t get into graphic design to stare at a screen all day. The hand work keeps us connected to the craft of design, and makes me less grumpy when I have to return to arranging pixels. —Bill

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A hand-bound program designed and created by Sheryl for a collaborative event with the Gamble House and the Japanese American Cultural & Community Center. I believe we cut, folded and sewed over 40 books.
designSimple print work letterpress poster
This piece was conceived as a poster and back-board for a line of T-shirts we produced based on the signs of the Chinese Zodiac. The Ts were done by commercial silkscreeners on American Apparel shirts, but I set the poster/board up as a three-color job designed on the computer but created as type-high metal plates and printed on our Vandercook proof press. We did hundreds of shirts but I believe the run of these posters was less than 200. My arm got tired.
designSimple print work letterpress booklet
This is a cheat, it’s not really for a client or commercial job, it’s one of my learner projects that I produced at the Armory Art Center under the tutelage of Denise El-Hoss. I have a small collection of wood type and had never used it. So made a few dozen books as an exercise in setting up the press and testing pressure, etc… It’s for lookin’, not readin’.
designSimple print work letterpress postcard
These are tester promo postcards when we were exploring the possibilities of starting a small press. In the end we dropped it when we realized our future would involve a lot of wedding invitations. A lot. Nothing wrong with that if you have the temper to deal with Bridezilla, though.